Sunday, August 30, 2015

# Wassane Premaya

The Horoscopes - Wassane Premaya Week 3 review.

Week: August 24th – August 28th 

The horoscopes became “horrorscopes” this week for our loving couple. To start the week horribly  the Shoba issue came back as a photograph. At first Astha’s parents hid this fact from her. However, most probably due destiny Astha finds this photograph. She is of course really hurt and Aditya is going to face hell itself.

On the other hand Pramitha’s (Aditya’s sister in law) mother comes for a visit and Ms Danthanarayana is not at all pleased. Of course I am not surprised as to why Ms Danthanarayana hates Pramila’s mother – she is simply bonkers. This mother is one of those no daughter ever wants others to meet. As usually seen in these types of mothers, Pramitha’s mother robs anything she sees. It is no wonder that Pramitha is pretty much worshiping the Danthanarayanas.

When asked about his former love Aditya is keeping his silence. This silence is pretty much freaking me out. This is because I feel the screen writers are waiting to drop the bomb. Anyhow while Astha and Aditya are trying to solve this solution, another problem arises. Yes the horoscopes of these love birds don’t match. However the evil smile Ms Danthanarayana gave at that moment kind of made me suspicious.  She might have changed Aditya’s horoscope so that it doesn’t match Astha’s.

Anyhow the last parting picture of the two lovers looking shocked was very cute. So we are kind of left with a cliff hanger this week. We don’t exactly know what the hell Aditya will be doing. However, according to the Precap Aditya will be running away with Astha. Yep, the writers are taking a Romeo Juliet turn, it will be all “O Romeo, Romeo where art thou”.  Anyhow Astha says no to this harebrained scheme of Aditya’s and voila he holds a gun to her asking her to go with him or die. This was not all out of character for this guy as he is that type; he is the type who will be all macho in this kind of situation.

This week was of course a roller coaster ride for all of us. The fact that the screen writers put comic relief into the drama is a good sign. This comic relief of course came in the form of Pramitha’s mother (she is a really good actress; she also dubs Thoshi in Me Adarayai. If this comic relief wasn’t given to us, we would have got sick of Wassane Premaya due to too many problems coming up. I also like to point out that when Aditya looked shocked about the horoscopes it looked quite genuine. Maybe, just maybe, Aditya is not faking all this love for Astha. Maybe he really has feelings for her. Anyway to confirm this assumption we will have to continue to watch this drama and see how the plot turns out. J J J J J J 

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