Friday, January 10, 2014

The really bad way I started my O/L's

3:46 AM 0 Comments
I was tossing and turning this way and that way ,sweating like a pig. If this goes on like this my mom would think I've peed on my bed. Shit! My head sees spiny and in need for some serious sleep. I wish the butterflies in my tummy felt the same. Darn it! My shirt is sticking to my back. Seriously how the hell am I going to write for the damn O/L Business Studies paper in the morning without some damn sleep?


Damn it’s already 4.00 in the morning… What was it they say early to bed; early to rise makes a man healthy and wise. What a stupid thing to say anyway I do all these things and I’m not getting any wiser also it was said to a man not to a woman. Who the hell cares now I’ve to write a damn exam and my whole life depends on their marks. Curse the man who invented exams if he is living I have a few words to tell him and they are not quite wise!

At about 9.00 a 30 minutes more for the exams……

That bloody son of a…. beautiful mother it’s because of him I got to the wrong exam hall. It’ his fault! The bloody tuk tuk driver, he wanted to go there fast…curse him!
 Ja3 don’t cry you are not that weak you’ll get to the right hall on time…come on cheer up…u can do it…

On the road…

Bloody policeman get out of the way I need to go to my exams…Bloody buster that damn driver he is going so slow he must be thinking it’s his grandmother’s road.
“Oi! Get out of the way who the…heck gave you license…Bloody bugger…Old Grand Pa go to a damn elders home!”

15 minutes later…
Welcome to the…examinations…in case of a fire please stay seated….

Blah..Blah lady give me the damn  paper  it cost me Rs 350 to get here and  you talk about fires…This really is not my day…. Damn it I woke up on  the wrong side of bed!
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