Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The first Entry of the wild child's journal...


Dear Journal,
I’m Apsara Weerasekra and I’m a Theravada Buddhist. I was at a little know and no longer existing school down by the seaside. This year I’m going to a new school which also little known Linken International School. It is nearby my house and easier for my parents since the war is also going on I don’t want them to worry about my safety. Maybe that’s why I agreed on joining Linken. I miss my old friends so badly and just imagine not meeting Prenil, Charitha or Sahid anymore. The new school’s pretty horrible. The girls there are so stupid they think that liking cricket, knowing what a computer mother board is or even loving Japanese comics is strange. I don’t know what’s wrong with them. In my other school there were different religions but in here we have only one and these stupid girls are trying to convert me into their religion follower. Is that even legal if I could I would go to the Human Rights commissioner but it’s impossible. I have no one to talk to since I don’t have a boyfriend, I think I’m too young to have one...And I think it’s illegal by law for a 12 year old girl to have one. Anyway I like boys to have fun and play with not to live with. Just Imagine living with a sweaty, stinky, foul mouth idiot whole of my life and when they talk their mouth stinks….. Ewwwwwwwww... One of the boys in my class has 5 teeth left and three of them are eaten by worms and one of them has an extra tooth. I asked him if I could borrow it he said I could but it he said I have to pay him for that…L So my journal I don’t have money so I thought of pasting one of my fallen ones on one side of my teeth. It didn't work out my tongue still tastes of glue because of that. So bye for today journal….
Yours loving,


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