Sunday, September 29, 2013

Super Glue Disaster!!!

3:57 AM 0 Comments
 5.1.2007 Dear Journal, Yesterday I watch X- Files and I didn't sleep a wink and today I feel very sad.  Something really funny happened today.  Ms. Ronald told Luke to bring an Alteco super glue from the office to paste a missing piece of wood from the table ( Alteco Super glue is a horribly sticky...

Friday, September 27, 2013

The baddest word in the world....

7:37 AM 0 Comments
3.1.2007 Dear Journal, I got punished today. It was all Emily’s fault. I heard one of the big students shouting at one of his friends. He called him a big fat n*g*er. I asked Emily what n*g*er means. She said that in America where she comes from they used to call it to black people. So since I learnt a new word...

Thursday, September 26, 2013

How a baby is born!!!

4:05 AM 0 Comments
2.1.2007 Dear journal, You know today I learned how children are born!!!! One of my friends told me and it’s disgusting!!!! You know how it’s done ha? Well a girl and a boy… have to... well see a girl and a boy have to give a kiss to the mouth and when the spit mix the girl gets pregnant. It’s disgusting isn’t it...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Wild Child's Diary....

3:45 AM 0 Comments
Hey guys!! Long time no see; I have being having an awesome hectic time. This is because A/L’s just started and the thing is the books are out of stock. J I just came across a wonderful journal that one of my friends left behind and it is quite a read. She is one heck of a wild child and my god the stuff...
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