Monday, December 2, 2013

If I could change the World.

7:19 AM 0 Comments
I know it sounds impossible. But if men could make a machine fly, Why not try? I would be able to make it a beautiful place, I would make the poor rich, I would give people a second chance, I try to make people stop been jealous, And make them help each other I’ll make people understand each other, But is...

Sunday, December 1, 2013

A pretty Awesome Place.

7:29 AM 0 Comments
Isn’t the world an awesome place? A place of joy and a place of grace, While we are a sleep; another’s at school, While the others in a pool. The sun might be here but the moon might be there. We might smile the but the other might not care, Isn’t that rare? Why don’t we share? While one has food the other has...

He sings the Lullaby.

7:28 AM 0 Comments
I shout,  I scream but yet I dream, I cry  I smile all at the same time, He keeps singing but is not angered, When I ask he says, That’s because I love you my child… I grow up little by little, I voice my views, He listens so patiently, I never ask him but he tries, He gives me advice, But I’ve...

Opened my eyes,

7:26 AM 0 Comments
I was young, So tiny, So innocent Not knowing anything about the world, I dream and I tell her what I want to be, She says she’ll do whatever to make me succeed. I think the world’s beautiful so full of wonders, I hope to see one day, I feel and hear her but yet haven’t seen her, I cry I want to see the world, But...

The Horse Doctor.

3:39 AM 0 Comments
The Horse doctor is a Korean Drama which was shown In Korea in 2011 and ended in 2012. It follows the story of a young man who is a horse doctor but later goes on to be the Royal Physician. It’s a story that any fan of K- drama should watch and especially if you were a fan of Dae Jang Guem,Yi San and Dong Yi you’ll...
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