Friday, May 29, 2015

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Moon Embraces the Sun as Hiru Sandu Adarei on Rupavahini

7:12 AM 0 Comments
YESSSSSS!!! YESSSSS!!! It is finally here. Rupavahini has decided to show The Moon Embraces the Sun as Hiru Sandu Adarei. It will be shown from the 26th May 2015 on wards at 6.30 pm . This KDrama is so famous in Korea and attracted 40%ratings when it was shown. It is one of those dramas I love and which I thought...

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The new stuff coming up

7:56 AM 0 Comments
Well did you guys see the new Samsung Galaxy S6 is it just awesome. Especially the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is awesome. One of the best feature of it is the fact that it has such good battery life. Mmm Samsung has come a long way from Galaxy S- I mean that mobile looked nice but S6 looks sexy unlike iPhone Plus which is...

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Daskon episode 54 recap

9:54 PM 0 Comments
Hi guys. Happy Vesak everyone.  Exams starting soon and I am freaked out. Next poya day would be Poson and by that time I yet have 3 more exams to go.  Nothing more though but go and watch Daredevil it is suppose to be very very good. Anyway he is one of my favorite superheroes. I am one of the few who liked...

Daskon episode 53 recap

3:25 AM 0 Comments
Hello dear blog readers. Mission Impossible 5 is out. I was waiting for this from mission impossible 4. I personally believe that Tom Cruise and Jeremy Renner are the best combination ever.  This year is one of the best movie years ever!!!!! Jurassic Park is also coming out and OMg I was waiting my whole...
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