There is this girl I know who
fell off a bicycle when she was 15 years old.
She didn’t get even a single wound except a simple bruise on her right
knee. I thought she was seriously wounded when she suddenly started to cry. I
asked her what the matter was and the she told me “I have got a bruise on my
right knee...
Monday, July 15, 2013
Book name:
All- of-a-kind-family.
Author: Sydney Taylor.
Meet the All- of –a-Kind-Family - Ella,
Henny, Sarah, Charlotte and Gertie – who live with their parents in New York
City at the turn of the century.
They share adventures that find them
searching for hidden buttons while dusting Mama’s front parlor...
Book name: The Bravo Bachelor
Author: Christine Rimmer
One visit to her
ranch had landed him in the delivery room…
All Gabe Bravo
wanted was to convince Mary Hofstetter to sell him her land. But the young
widow had barely told him to hightail it off her property before going into
labour. Being an honorable Bravo...
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Have you ever felt that
sometimes things just don’t happen the way they are supposed to? Have you
questioned yourself about love, marriage, future or even the books you read?
Well I know all of us have questions which aren’t answered and some of them are
really important specially when it comes to the girl or boy...
Two countries. Two cultures. One chance at love…
I watched a movie which was really pretty awesome! I think you guys should also
try watching it because it is really worth the trouble… This how the story goes
and by now you guys should know that the movies name is “The other end of the
This set of girls I know from a class who have
become quite an eyesore to almost everyone who cares to look at them… Let alone
the look part I could describe them as the walking dead… They bore the guys at
the class and even the older children and teachers. They seem to walk around as
if they were some kind of Zombies...
In a school there is a teacher. A teacher who hates other
teachers, a teacher who dislike children a teacher who I’m sure is a descendant
of Adolf Hitler. She is one cruel person, children just suffer when they come
to her class but as soon as they are out of it they really dance the devil with
the new class teacher....
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Her hair
was up in a pony tail,
favourite dress tied with a bow.
Today was
Daddy's Day at school,
And she
couldn't wait to go.
But her mummy tried to tell her,
That she probably should stay home.
Why the kids might...