Saturday, February 14, 2015

# Daskon

Daskon episode 31 recap

Hello guys how are you all? This Tuesday is Maha Shivarathri. Hope you enjoy the much needed holiday. Happy Mahashivarathri for all my Tamil friends:-) The rice prices remain high our poor people are suffering so much for the CHANGE! Ah if you guys are believes of Valentine's day - Happy Valentine's day to you all but personally for me everyday is Valentine's day:-) So sorry for SL Lions for the 98 run lose to kiwi's. We will get far wait will you its just that our guys mentality is a bit low these days after the constant looses. Guys you all are our Lions and we are with you no matter what. Congratulation Sanga for getting the most runs in WC cricket second only to Sachin Tendulkar -13709 runs - your the man- hats off for u. Omg let's see if its a Princess or a Prince today. So down to the recap:

Someone is running. Its Patiya Bandara's assistant. He hides behind some bamboo shoots.He runs to the Walawuwa/noble men's house.He tells someone that everyone is captured even Patiya Bandara. Someone is watching from the key hole but not responding. The assistant screams open the damn door nilamàà. The door opens and a woman screams get out of here. The nilamàà was taken by you all and now you come finding him. Get lost! If you find him bring him to me again. Get lost you rascal. The assistent gets down on the flow and slams it. His is pissed off. Then out of the blue he starts running towards the jungle - most probably to were to Patiya Bandara's mother- the former second Queen consort.
He is crying and yet running non stop. He comes to a haunted looking place and starts to cry screaming Patiya Bandara's name - very loyal servant and very sad scene.
 He has gone to their former hideout. He screams for the former second Queen consort. She says where is my child. Where is my life. Where is my breathe. The man says he was taken in - arrested.

Patiya's mother is shocked. She says that the astrologer/scholar said the time was bad but because of your greed for this kingdom you took my child with you all. The assistant says sorry. She says take me to the Haburankatha Palace. A very sad song goes on the background about a mother's love. She remembers things Patiya said before. She remembers him saying that I don't want to be King I just want to make my mother the Queen mother of this Kingdom. She remembers the lullaby she sang to him.

The King and the noble Lady look lovingly at their child. You can see the King is very proud. And then the King starts the lullaby from where the former second Queen consort ended. He to calls the child my " Ran Puthu"- my golden son ( common Sinhala saying equaling your child to gold). Its a Prince. So the Crown Prince is born but will he get the throne? Will he also end up being like Patiya Bandara? Have to say that the baby is CUTE....he will grow to be a CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE:-) Loved the pride in both the King's and noble Lady/ Second Queen consort's eyes. The way the King touches the child and holds him show how much he loves his little be continued tomorrow...........OMg this was such an epic episode. Daskon is really becoming a very good drama....

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