Saturday, March 30, 2013

Geography sucks man!!!

3:30 AM 0 Comments
School life is the most perfect life for anyone. This is the time to have fun and love life. No should ever actually regret coming to school. There are times though, when school seems to be hell! When everything seems to turn against you. When there seems to be no hope. When you just lose your temper at the wrong person, at...

Mocks are over – from the pan into the fire.

3:28 AM 0 Comments
Exams are over. Yea……………. No stop it I now have to do my O/L’s. No…. I’m not crying, I’m laughing. I have not gone crazy but I am really not able to see how fast I’ve grown. I’m 16 and it seems like few months age the war ended and I was 12. As I said little more post coming out this month or the next two. I’ll start...

Mother Lanka- a land like no other.

3:25 AM 0 Comments
2600 years ago the Lord Buddha, then Prince Siddhartha was born to the Sakya clan in the magical land called India. This is where the people first started learning discipline, where people began building a modern life, where people loved and helped each other. This was way before Mahatma Gandhi or the British. This was the...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Cruel World......

6:38 AM 1 Comments
Wow it was hard to get here............First I'll like to Mention my two friends who helped me patiently to create this blog. It was : Ashendra Hidaramani and Nushan Hewage. They were very  very patiently helping me as I'm pretty new to the world wide web. Without these two patient gentlemen this blog...
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