Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Ah Indian books

3:24 AM 0 Comments
It is really crazy that most people have to buy books bought from Indian bookstores which are black and white but the original is coloured . This is really driving me crazy right now since I'm getting sick of those to colours since my Sociology book is already black and white and I got a new book and it to is black and...

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hey guys

6:56 AM 0 Comments
Ha just feeling so shitty right now ...exams are coming and that is so horrible and that's not a good sign...I just hope I'll be able to do the exams very well, tomorrows Business studies and I think I'm going time to blog or even go anywhere since exams are just 3 months away and that's like madness:-) I...
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