Saturday, January 17, 2015

# Daskon

Daskon episode 23 recap.

Hey guys how are u.....has been been a long week....but because of the Pope 's visit and Thai Pongal got a long holiday. School started so more work for me. Going to to get a new laptop also...:-) now to the recap .....

The King comes to meet Yakaladoli in her Palace in Matale. Daskon has come with him. Everyone bows down before him. Our noble Lady's parents invite him into the Palace.
The new Buddhist priest is named Waliwita Sarankara Samanara. His first sermon is taking place and the good minister is there to witness it. The priest speaks of how Mihidu maha Thero brought Buddhism into Lanka from India. He points out that now in the Kandyan Kingdom he has started to see signs of the end of the Sangha.** A note here guys to this day Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country as 68% of the country is Buddhist. It is from Lanka that Buddhism/Theravadi Buddhism spread to Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia.

The King makes a betal for himself . The noble Lady is also there . He asks if she wants anything. She begs him to take her to the Haburankatha Palace. The King shouts out to Daskon. The noble Lady looks so scared. The King asks Daskon if he is recording this stuff in his journal. The King looks a bit angry and says with the Angampora festival how she could dare to ask to come to that Palace. The noble Lady is freaked out then the King kneels down and touches her womb and sings his "son" a lullaby ( this is so cute). After he finishes he gets up and takes the noble Lady's hand and sings to her that she and his son to be born will be at Haburankatha Palace with him forever. They have a sweet moment where both of them want to hug each other but two things are stopping them 1) Daskon smiling like an idiot at them. 2) The fact that the noble Lady's tummy is too big for a great big hug:-)
The noble Lady and her servants and the Prince

The young priest is taking his sermon. He speaks of all the great Buddhist priests in Sri Lanka with all their titles. The people are all shocked how is he doing this little by little all their hands come together to worship him.
The King and the Queen consort

The scene changes to Patiya Bandara's hiding place. His scholar sends the bad minister a letter saying that they will attack on the Angampora and Elephant festival. Patiya Bandara says we are going to cut up the King. The scholar says no we are not. We are going to kill the King. We are going to take over Sankadagala Palace and the Tooth relic and then have your coronation. Haburankatha Palace is not where the power is it is at Sankadagala that the power is. To this Patiya Bandara says that he wants to fight and then get to be the King. He continues to say that he could beat the King at any Angampora fight. He says that he has beaten the King many times when they were small. The sadness here is that Patiya Bandara doesn't want to rob the throne it is his throne that the Prince has robbed. He is the one the throne belongs to it is just through the screwed system of the last Sinhalese Kings that is causing all this trouble.

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