Saturday, November 7, 2015

# Wassane Premaya

The Kidnap – Wassane Premaya Week 13

Week: 2nd November 2015 to 6th November 2015

What a week it has been. Hasn’t it been very eventful for you guys? Personally I had a close encounter with a stalker and then exams every week with a very eventful girls day out J I am also waiting to rewatch Roof Top Prince for the second time and life seems pretty eventful.  It has been an equally eventful week for all Wassane Premaya fans. Here comes the out of the blue but much awaited kidnapping. So why don’t we just get to the point? So here starts the recap…

This week Akila and his sidekick kidnaps Shanu, Viraj’s little daughter.  It all started off with that really bad attempt to have her birthday party at home. The little girl gets all upset about what happened and she gets out of the house and runs away. When the family discovers she is gone it is a bit too late to get to her. She just walks and walks and finally Akila and his sidekick just picks her up when the find her on the road. Their demand is that they get Rs.100 million in return for an unhurt little girl. So the Danthanarayana’s go on their way to find Shanu. Aditya and Astha are of course stuck together and they don’t like it at all. At the end of the day after an unfruitful evening of finding Shanu everyone just gives up for a while. Pramitha on the other hand is blaming everyone else for what happened. Malini quite rightly point out to her that no one is to blame for this other than Pramitha herself. This kind of shows what kind of a mother Pramitha is.

Anyhow Aditya gets hold of some kind of an undercover agent to help him track down where Shanu is (typical Mission Impossible thing). So then we have all these great night vision scenes and Aditya, Akila and Dabarae (sidekick) running around with pistols (toy pistols). This was so draggy that it ran into the next day and I think it was quite an unnecessary scene. Then Omg the little girl comes and finds Astha who is sitting like a plum pudding in Aditya’s jeep. Suddenly Aditya’s gun falls down and Astha finds it. Akila aims at Aditya and misses and then that idiot Aditya thinks it’s Astha who shot at him. After a brief hair splitting annoying moments he understands the truth and goes along with both the girls.

At the end of the day Akila makes up his mind to join the Danthanarayana family again and that’s to get all the inside information. Astha on the other hand is finding it hard live with Aditya. The bloody idiot wouldn’t even allow her to go meet her family. I don’t know whether Aditya understands it but he is no different from Akila. I hope the writers bring in a love triangle and make Aditya suffer big time. I thought that in that “gun scene” Astha would have jumped to save Aditya from Akila’s gun shot. This would mean there will be a hospital scene and Aditya crying over his wife and trust growing between Astha and Aditya. Anyhow since I am not the screen writer there is nothing much I could do instead of suggesting it.

So next week we will see Akila calling Mr. Danthanarayana to come back to the family. I hope the writers don’t drag the “I hate him/ her” scene because it is becoming draggy. I am saying this because another great story is starting up on Derana Tv at 8.30 called Daydunnai Adaraya ( I know the spelling is wrong J ) but the English meaning is Love is a Rainbow. Whatever it is I hope it is better than the 8.30 drama that just finished on TV Derana. The drama stars Isuru (Dubbing artist of Gu jun Pyo (BOF), Kim Tan (The Heirs) and HwaKyung(My love from another star) and Sonali from Wassane Premaya. Also it’s good to know that this drama is also made with a huge budget and the latest technology (Bollywood style). This is a good sign as it seems the directors have finally got to know what the audience wants most.

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