Sunday, September 6, 2015

# Wassane Premaya

The Marriage – Wassane Premaya Week 4

Week –August 31st – September 4th

This week was one action packed week. We see Astha and Aditya running away and deciding to marry. Then wee see the Danthanarayana V Jayasekra’s war started all over again. We also get to get really angry with Astha’s mother. Later on we see divorce papers, forced signing and loads of crying. So let’s just get all this down very slowly and then see what their effect on the plot is.

Firstly we see our lovers running away from superstitious parents who decide young lives through horoscopes. So they run away to some hotel where Aditya tells Astha to decide between his life and giving up their relationship.  Of course he pulls out a gun and places it under his neck telling Astha it’s his death or marriage. Dear screen writers do not go for such exaggerations they just make us dislike Aditya and his controlling ways.  Anyhow at the end they decide to marry and Astha’s mother faints. At the end of the day the fathers agree to let the lovers have a small wedding. Aditya’s older brother is given all the responsibilities of the wedding as he is a responsible person.

Now let’s get to the intense hate we have toward Astha’s mother. The screen writers have created to horrible mothers and two sensible fathers in this drama. Astha’s mother is the most annoying mother ever. She takes dumb decisions quickly and puts the blame on anyone near by. If not for her dumb decision to tell Astha that the horoscopes don’t match then she wouldn’t have married Aditya out of the blue. To make things worse she brings a lawyer and tries forcing Astha to sign divorce papers. She even tells the Danthanarayana’s that Astha never liked the marriage and it makes all the families very angry. So starts again the Danthanarayana V Jayasekara’s war and Astha is going to be the big time victim.

Then Pramitha and her want to teach Astha a lesson came up. Just like Minakshi in Swapna, Pramitha tries to make a fight between the mother in law and daughter in law. She has that greed which is also there in her mother. Sometimes I just wish her husband is cheating her behind her back. I mean half the time she is looking into gossip and creating problems than being with her husband.

Next in line today is Aditya. OMG I am falling in love with this man. He is so cute and so loving. It was sweet that he didn’t want to send away Astha after marriage. He was so possessive there telling Astha not to go and it was so cute to watch. However I just hope the screenwriter make Aditya more human. Right now he is so aggressive and controlling. As a woman I kind of feel sorry for Astha as she has to live with this guy for the rest of her life. I mean now Aditya is young so these characteristics are cute but when he gets old it will get annoying. I hope the screenwriters would change this character flaw and make him a more understanding person.

Astha on the other hand is being too girly. I wish the screen writers would be more feminist with her character. They should give her some “muchiness” as the Mad Hatter says in Alice in Wonderland. I just wish she will get more even with Aditya and try and be more playful and strong. She just doesn’t have that power to argue or fight with Aditya. All the time she is just like Aditya! Aditya! Aditya! Very much like Juliet in Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare “O Romeo! O Romeo!”  Where the hell are her opinions? Where are her views? Why is she always saying yes to Aditya? She is going into a highly patriarchal family so where the hell is her feminism? Come on screenwriters change this.

Anyhow the plot is racing by and we have new villains. Akila and Charlie are making their plots to destroy Aditya and the family. So there are going to be more problems but I am sure that the screen writers would put more cuteness so that we will survive the problems and come out in one piece. The hugs and the cute words are bringing in the crowds; the screen writers should continue their good work there. So this is what happened this week, let’s see what the screenwriters will give us next week. Let’s meet again next week in another review J J J J J J
Where the hell is Astha's feminism!!!!!!

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