Thursday, August 8, 2013

What is Love....

Everyone sees love as something which is the strange wonderful feeling you feel when you see someone of your opposite sex. Well, I would say this is quite true in a way if you cut the “wonderful feeling” part. I believe love is a simple choice two humans make to live and have children with each other till they die. I would say it is a choice we make in investing time and feelings in someone you hope you’ll care for, for the rest of your life. Let’s put it this way:
Love is like starting a new business in a highly competitive zone, you have invested all you assets and time into the business and if it fails you will be breaking your most valuable asset, your heart and losing the person you love dearly.
So it simply a choice you make when the time is right. You can choose when the right time is and if you believe you can handle work or studies while worrying about another person well then go for it because that is the right time. I’ve a friend who has fallen in love a million times but everyone of them failed because she choose the wrong time (like right in the middle of our O/L year) to care about another person. The media promotes love in movies, teledramas and songs but all these seem to be like mirages in a vast desert. The only advise I gave my friend was :- “Treat your love one as you treat yourself, treat him or her with the same love and care you treat yourself with – then that’s loveJ That’s everlasting love….”

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