Saturday, March 30, 2013

Geography sucks man!!!

School life is the most perfect life for anyone. This is the time to have fun and love life. No should ever actually regret coming to school. There are times though, when school seems to be hell! When everything seems to turn against you. When there seems to be no hope. When you just lose your temper at the wrong person, at the wrong time. Life has its way of making you experience things. Sometimes the way it makes you experience them makes you think that life is your enemy, not your friend. I’ve experience many of these experiences in my short life of sixteen years. Many of which I look back at now and laugh.
What happened yesterday though, was the worst I’ve ever had.
It was pretty much a bad morning when I woke up at 4 a.m. It wasn’t a normal day. The wind was howling outside my window. The trees seemed to cry. The whole house seemed to shake every time thunder struck. Every five minutes there was a flash of light outside the window and five seconds later the sound of thunder was heard.”I think Thor is angry. Otherwise why does he use his thunder hammer in vain?” I felt very sleep. My thoughts seemed to go everywhere. I thought” Why I wasn’t a superhero? Why Gerald Marley’s last name had to be Hopkins? Why did I’ve to wake up this early?”
My body seem to say “Darling go back to sleep.” But my brain kept saying “Get up idiot study geography.”
Even though my brain was pretty rude I just agreed with him. “Today I’ve my geography exam!” I screamed. All of a sudden the whole world seems to fall apart. I hate geography. I detest it. I wish life gave me better things to study. Who cared about animal biodiversity? Of course my teacher Sir Alex cared but I don’t.
After a while I came back to planet Earth, after a long session of cursing geography. I hurried out of bed and got hold of my geography book. I started chanting the words in the book as if it was ancient mantra. After at least two minutes of chanting I tried to remember what I just studied but nothing seemed to come out. I kept on saying ‘keep calm and carry on’, keep calm and carry on’. It just doesn’t seem to happen. I’ve never ever understood how to study geography. This latitude, that longitude it kept on saying and I only saw horizontal and vertical lines on a Sri Lankan map.
Time passed this way. I put the book down. It’s time for school. Time to dread life. At eight on the dot a fat booklet of papers was put in front of me. “What a waste of trees” I thought. Geography speaks of saving trees but the teacher himself is wasting it. Time passed as if by magic. Time to give the paper back. I have answered it as much as I can. With whatever my brain said I filled the paper. At least I know my body seemed to listen to my brain. That is quite an achievement. I did my best. I studied to bits. I almost died on that paper. Even though I’m still alive my hands seem numb, my brain seem to stop. I’ve fainted. I feel as if I have had a brain wash. I kept calm and carried on. That’s what life gave me in a silver platter. I actually don’t regret it. I feel as if life had taken revenge for some vicious crime in my past life. At least I’m proud to be living to tell it to another person so he or she could be ready for it.   

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