There is this girl I know who fell off a bicycle when she was 15 years old. She didn’t get even a single wound except a simple bruise on her right knee. I thought she was seriously wounded when she suddenly started to cry. I asked her what the matter was and the she told me “I have got a bruise on my right knee and there is blood coming out.” As any other person would say I just told her it was a small bruise and that it’ll heal soon. Just then she told me I want to have flawless skin. I don’t want even one single scratch on my legs. You have a lot of them and they look very ugly I want to look beautiful that is why I don’t even cut vegetables at home because it destroys my manicured nails. I almost died of laughing… seriously this girl doesn’t run in the sports meets at her school and nevertheless she is fat like a pig but she doesn’t do anything at home because she is destroying her Pedi or mani or whatever cured. So much is said and done by our mothers especially in Asian countries where women does all the house work just imagine if our mothers said the same stuff this girl said! God! That would have been the end of civilization in Asia or for that matter in Sri Lanka! Seriously what is the world coming to? NOW IT HAS BECOME A SHAME TO HAVE A WOUND ON YOUR LEG…. Next time they’ll say it’s a shame to have children because it changes your body shapeJ